InfoHub : Configure

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Configuring Info Hub

To get InfoHub up and running simply drop infohub.war into the webapps directory on your server, Info Hub has been tested succesfully on Tomcat 4,5,6 and Jetty 6.

In order to add or remove documents someone must be configured as a an admin and/or contributer.

Tomcat Setup

  1. Open the tomcat-users.xml file from the tomcat/config directory.
  2. Add new roles "admin" and "contributer"
    <role rolename="contributer"/>
    <role rolename="admin"/>
  3. Add a new user or new users who will fill one or more of these roles
    <user username="contrib" password="contrib" roles="contributer,admin"/>
  4. Restart Tomcat

Jetty Setup

  1. Open etc/jetty.xml configuration file.
  2. Find the UserRealms section and either change the name of the default realm to UserArea, or add a new realm by that name.
  3. Open the etc/ file (or create your own and make sure that the realm in the jetty.xml file points to the correct file.
  4. Add a new user or new users with the appropriate role(s). For example:
    name: password, contributer admin
  5. Disable static resource cacheing by opening etc/webdefault.xml.
  6. File the useFileMappedBuffer parameter and change the associated value to false.

Proxy Server

If the server is located bind a proxy server, then the following configuration is needed.
In order for the indexing engine to be able to index links, it must be able to retrieve the link. To enable this functionality, the proxy server and proxy port data must be supplied. This is stored in the web.xml file located in the infohub.war.
You can open the war file directly or wait for your server application to unzip it for you.
Then find web.xml located in infohub/WEB-INF and find the <env-entry> for proxyhost and proxyport and add the necessay information.

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